Hunting Short-eared Owl

On Saturday, at the end of a sunny day out by the Humber, I spotted a Short-eared Owl hunting over the saltmarsh. It is always a treasured experience to watch these magnificent owls, on their slow, almost stalling flight. I wanted to sketch its face as it moved, as if suspended in the air. Pencil, ink and watercolour on my Wacom tablet.

Short-eared Owl at Kilnsea

Short-eared owl

Last Monday I had my best views ever of a Short-eared Owl. My previous sightings had all been birds in flight, often distant or fleeting. This Short-eared owl, in plain daylight in a dull and drizzly morning, landed on a fence post and spent a couple of minutes sat there having a good look – and listen – around the long grass in front of it. Short-eared Owls are often active in daylight, and are winter visitors in my area. Last year it was quite poor in terms of sightings, and this early Short-eared owl bodes well for this winter. The owl flew off, its long wings flapping slowly at times looking like it was going to fall off the air.

Pencil on my wacom tablet.